12. Punt Morena Beach Cozumel

Punt Morena Beach Cozumel
Punt Morena Beach Cozumel is located mid island on the East side of the Island where the best swimming beaches exist. The best snorkeling area are the West side of the Island because it is sheltered. Be careful for the rip tides on the East Side of the Island.

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Payment Method: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal, Debit, Travel Cheques, Cash
Status: Open for Guests

Short_Desc: Punt Morena Beach Cozumel

Full Description: Punt Morena Beach Cozumel is located mid island on the East side of the Island where the best swimming beaches exist. The best snorkeling area are the West side of the Island because it is sheltered. Be careful for the rip tides on the East Side of the Island.

One unique feature about the sand on Cozumel is it coral sand that is porris and does not get scalding hot like other regular sand beaches. The best beaches are on the East side (Atlantic) of the Island. The best snorkeling is on the West side (Caribbean) of the Island. So if you are on a cruise ship which dock on the West side of the Island you will have to get a ride to the East Side beaches. But probably cheaper to rent a car as a taxi ride could be very expensive.
In January I will give you a good place to rent a car. Should be $35 to $45 max with insurance per day. If you pay more then negotiate a better price.
Directions: Punt Morena Beach Cozumel is located mid island on the East side of the Island.

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